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Uprząż na krzesło do jadalni

SKU: GC0018 1 w magazynie

Normalna cena £17.99  (£14.99 z podatku VAT)
Normalna cena Cena sprzedaży   £17.99  (£14.99 z podatku VAT)

The Dining Chair Harness is a versatile and safe solution that adapts almost any chair into a secure seat for your child during meal times or activities. It fits most dining chairs and is perfect for home or travelling. The waistband secures around both your youngster and the seat back, and attachment points are included to fit a safety harness for extra security. It is easy to clean and maintain, making it a hassle-free choice for parents.

Jako organizacja charytatywna każdy zysk uzyskany z każdego zakupu jest przeznaczany na pomoc rodzinom z niepełnosprawnymi dziećmi.

Opis produktu

Uprząż krzesła do jadalni zamienia większość krzeseł do jadalni w bezpieczne siedzisko dla małego dziecka.

Odpowiedni dla dziecka w wieku 1-4 lat.

  • Można prać w pralce w 40ºC.
  • Ciepłe żelazko.
  • Nie wybielać.
  • Nie suszyć w suszarce.

Dla kogo/dlaczego to jest odpowiednie?

posture support whilst eating

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
betty metcalfe
a big help for me

what a good idea she can sit at the table now with all of us, i would recommend this to anyone *****

Thank you for your review, Betty. It's good to hear they can now be at the dining table with you all. Sarah - Fledglings

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