Collection: Toate accesoriile de înot
Mulți copii și adulți se bucură de înot și de utilizarea piscinelor cu hidroterapie pentru exerciții, distracție și terapie. Costumele de baie de specialitate și scutecele de înot reutilizabile pot permite unei persoane cu probleme de incontinență să continue să meargă la piscină și să participe la ședințele de hidroterapie. Majoritatea familiilor constată că, pe măsură ce copilul lor crește, cresc din scutecele de baie aduse în comerț și care sunt disponibile în magazinele de pe stradă. Fără o alternativă adecvată, copilul lor poate să nu poată merge la piscină.
Aici veți găsi gama noastră completă de costume de baie pentru incontinență (inclusiv de unică folosință), ajutoare pentru flotabilitate și accesorii de înot.
We provide swimwear and accessories for children and adults with additional needs. Our extensive range of swimsuits, tankinis, unitards, shorts, trunks and more cater to a variety of requirements.
Incontinence swimwear can provide wearers extra protection while looking like normal swimwear. Our swimming solutions and products are designed to not only assist the wearer but to also give parents and carers peace of mind in the water.
Swimming can be a fun and therapeutic activity for children with disabilities. However, finding the right swim accessories can be a challenge. The good news is that there are many swim accessories available that can make swimming easier and more enjoyable for children with disabilities. Here are some swim accessories that can be beneficial for children with disabilities:
Swim nappies
Swim nappies are a must-have for children who have continence issues. They are designed to prevent accidents in the pool and are made of waterproof material that won't weigh the child down in the water. There are also reusable swimsters that can be washed and used multiple times.
Swim vests
Swim vests provide extra buoyancy and support for children who have difficulty staying afloat. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, and some even have adjustable straps for a customized fit. Swim vests can also provide a sense of security for children who are afraid of the water.
When choosing swim accessories for children with disabilities, it's important to consider the child's individual needs and abilities. Some children may need more support and buoyancy than others, while others may need accessories that help them see or breathe better in the water. By selecting the right swim accessories, children with disabilities can enjoy the many benefits of swimming while staying safe and comfortable in the water.
View our extensive range or contact us for further information or support. If we do not stock the product you are looking for, we are happy to point you in the right direction.