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Butoiul senzorial terapeutic


Regular price £396.00  (£330.00 ex VAT)
Regular price Sale price   £396.00  (£330.00 ex VAT)

The barrel facilitates exercises which engage postural and orienting reactions, as well as isolating eye from head movement.

As a Charity, any profit made from every purchase goes back to helping families with disabled children.

Product Description

facilitează exercițiile care implică reacții posturale și de orientare, precum și
izolarea ochiului de mișcarea capului.

Butonul este foarte
ușor, iar centrul său mare permite chiar și adulților să-l folosească.

Terapia de integrare senzorială folosește stimularea senzorială pentru a îmbunătăți echilibrul, comportamentul, încrederea, coordonarea motorie și abilitățile sociale.

Sistemele vestibular și proprioceptiv sunt activate prin reacții de echilibru, reflexe posturale și răspunsuri defensive.

Who / What is this suitable for?

Calming, soothing, and managing over stimulation

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Shipping Info

This item is not kept in our warehouse and is delivered straight from the supplier please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

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