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Kolekcja: ADHD

Ta kolekcja zawiera produkty pomagające dzieciom i dorosłym z ADHD.

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1 z 33 produktów


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1 z 33 produktów

  • Od £92.99 (£77.49 z podatku VAT)
In inattentive ADHD, using planners, focus aids such as fidget toys, visual timers, noise-cancelling headphones, mindfulness tools, structured routines, educational software, study guides, adaptive seating, and sensory items like weighted blankets can be helpful. Hyperactive ADHD, using fidget toys, chewelry, exercise equipment, weighted items, structured schedules, quiet spaces, safety gear, time-out tools, reward systems, and communication aids can be helpful. For combined-type ADHD, planners, fidget toys, visual timers, weighted items, structured routines, adaptive seating, mindfulness tools, educational software, behaviour charts, and communication aids can be helpful.
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