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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Cymhorthion hynofedd a Siacedi Nofio a Festiau

Dyluniwyd ein cymhorthion hynofedd nid yn unig i gynorthwyo'r gwisgwr ond hefyd i roi tawelwch meddwl i rieni a gofalwyr yn y dŵr.

Gweld ein hystod o siacedi hynofedd a festiau gan y brand blaenllaw Konfidence. Os nad ydym yn stocio'r cynnyrch yr ydych yn chwilio amdano, rydym yn hapus i'ch cyfeirio at y cyfeiriad cywir.

Y pris uchaf yw £615.99 Ail gychwyn

17 cynhyrchion



17 cynhyrchion


Y pris uchaf yw £615.99


17 cynhyrchion

  • Konfidence Child Buoyancy Swim Vest With Support Strap - Swimwear and AccessoriesKonfidence Child Buoyancy Swim Vest With Support Strap - Swimwear and Accessories
    Now with Support!
    £28.99  (£24.16 o TAW)
  • £24.99
  • £55.00  (£45.83 o TAW)
  • Konfidence Youth Swim Jacket - Swimwear and AccessoriesKonfidence Youth Swim Jacket - Swimwear and Accessories
    Allan o stoc
  • Oddiwrth £37.00 (£30.83 o TAW)
  • £19.99
  • £29.99  (£24.99 o TAW)
  • £27.99  (£23.33 o TAW)
  • Floatsation Neck Collar - Swimwear and AccessoriesFloatsation Neck Collar - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £78.99  (£65.83 o TAW)
  • The Big Citrus - Swimwear and AccessoriesThe Big Citrus - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £492.99  (£410.83 o TAW)
  • £19.99
  • The Big Citrus Pocket - Swimwear and AccessoriesThe Big Citrus Pocket - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £615.99  (£513.33 o TAW)
  • £16.99
  • The Citrus - Swimwear and AccessoriesThe Citrus Floatation Device & Pillow - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £447.99  (£373.33 o TAW)
  • The Citrus Mini - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £290.99  (£242.49 o TAW)
  • Citrus Flexi-Woggle - Swimwear and AccessoriesCitrus Flexi-Woggle - Swimwear and Accessories
    UK Made to Order
    £89.99  (£74.99 o TAW)
  • Citrus Extra Long Flexi-Woggle - Swimwear and AccessoriesCitrus Extra Long Flexi-Woggle
    UK Made to Order
    £129.99  (£108.33 o TAW)

Swimming Aids for children with disabilities.

Buoyancy aids can be a great help for children with special educational needs who may need extra support in the water. These aids can provide buoyancy and stability, allowing children to focus on their movements and build confidence in the water. Here are some buoyancy aids that may be beneficial for children with special educational needs:

Swim vests

Swim vests are a popular choice for children with special educational needs because they provide buoyancy and support. These vests come in different sizes and styles and can be adjusted to fit the child's body. Swim vests provide stability in the water and help the child to stay afloat without feeling weighed down.

Swim noodles

Swim noodles are long, cylindrical foam tubes that can be used as a floatation aid. These are popular with children because they can be held onto easily and are lightweight. Swim noodles are flexible and can be bent or twisted to provide extra support where needed.

Swim belts

Swim belts are similar to swim vests but are worn around the waist. They provide buoyancy and support and can be adjusted to fit the child's body. Swim belts can be a good option for children who may not like the feeling of a vest on their upper body.

Swim wings

Swim wings are inflatable arm bands that provide buoyancy for the child's arms. These are a good option for children who need extra support to keep their head above water. Swim wings come in different sizes and can be adjusted to fit the child's arm.

When choosing buoyancy aids for children with special educational needs, it is important to consider the child's individual needs and abilities. Some children may need more support than others, and some may prefer a certain type of aid over another. It is also important to ensure that the buoyancy aid is properly fitted and that the child is supervised at all times while in the water.

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