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Prif Fordwyaeth

Potential Funding Options for Families

Hand holding bag of money

Here at Fledglings we understand that no matter how hard we try to keep our prices low, products for families with special needs are expensive. Here we have listed some resources that may be able to help with funding. For all of them they will have their own criteria that you will need to meet. Please read the criteria of each carefully.

Family Fund

Family Fund provides a wide range of grants to families raising a disabled child. There are set criteria, but for those families who are eligible this is one way of getting help. 

Although, adaptive clothing is not listed on their website, you may be able to get funding for items from our website. The application form can be downloaded here.

Please note that when you get to page 7, when you complete the 'Your Grant' section you must specify that you need adaptive clothing, swm or shoes etc. If you do not use the word Adaptive and you are eligble you may get funding for a general clothing shop. Being as specific as you can be in this section including any links will help you get the correct the correct funding. 

Emergency EssentialsThe application for this needs to be submitted by an authorised referrer and it is likely that someone working with the family will either already be one or eligible to become one.

Cash for Kids

Their grant rounds support children from birth up to and including 18 years of age who are vulnerable, come from disadvantaged backgrounds or are living with an illness or disability. 

The value of a grant is typically from £1,000 to £3,000 but they will happily consider applications for larger amounts. Apply here.


Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. Turn2us has a grant search tool that may help you fund certain products. 


NewLife support families through providing grants for things such as waterproof matresses and specialist bedding. Apply here.

The Sunshine Fund - North East England

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund provides specialised equipment to children with disabilities in the North East of England, individuals, can ask for their support to improve the lives of children with disabilities.

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund was founded in 1928 by King George V, he came to Newcastle to open the Tyne Bridge. To apply click here.

Wipe Away Those Tears - Essex

A charity which aims to grant a wish and bring a sparkle into the lives of terminally or seriously ill children in Essex. They have no overheads or administration costs, so every penny that is raised goes towards helping very special children

If you live in Essex and think that this charity could help you, please email and tell them how they can help, giving us as much background and information as possible. To find out more click here.

Boparan Charitable Trust

The Boparan Charitable Trust was set up in 2009 to aid children and young people across the nation who are disadvantaged by disability, life limiting conditions or extreme poverty. As a charity they take great pride in taking the time to listen, understand and help families who are often forgotten about or whose needs are not met by the health and social systems. They work directly with families providing financial grants for key items that assist the children. To find out more and apply click here.

Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust

Currently they are considering all requests for funding for people of all ages who are sick, in poor health or disabled and require medical items and services to improve their quality of life. To find out more and apply click here.


PhysCap is a Yorkshire charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for children living with physical and learning disabilities, by purchasing specialised equipment and therapeutic equipment. The goal of the charity is to ensure that we always have the funds readily available to help children cope a little better with disabilities and to offer financial assistance whenever the need arises. Our aim is to always be in a position to say YES when requests for help and assistance are received. We are known as the ‘last resort’ when all other doors have been closed. To find out more and apply click here.

Variety Club

They fund a broad range of specialist equipment including hoists, beds, car seats, sensory and play equipment, assistive and medical technologies. To find out more and apply click here.


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