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Prif Fordwyaeth

Poncho Cadair Olwyn i Blant


Pris rheolaidd £29.99  (£24.99 o TAW)
Pris rheolaidd Pris gwerthu   £29.99  (£24.99 o TAW)

The Kids Wheelchair Poncho is a vibrant, waterproof accessory designed for children in wheelchairs. With a peaked hood for added face protection and a unique fit that avoids wrinkles, it ensures comfort and ease of movement. Compact and machine washable, it’s perfect for children aged 4 to 10, keeping them dry and cheerful in any weather.

Lliw: Blue Seagulls

Fel Elusen, mae unrhyw elw a wneir o bob pryniant yn mynd yn ôl i helpu teuluoedd â phlant anabl.

Product Description

Mae'r ponchos lliwgar hyn yn hawdd i'w gwisgo, yn gwbl ddiddos ac mae ganddynt gwfl brig i amddiffyn wynebau rhag y glaw. Wedi'u cynllunio'n arbennig ar gyfer defnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn, mae'r ponchos hyn wedi'u cynllunio i fod yn hirach yn y blaen i orchuddio'r cluniau ac i stopio ar uchder cefn isaf - dim crychau cas i boeni yn eu cylch ac yn hawdd i'w codi ac i ffwrdd.

Ar gael mewn 4 dyluniad- yr  eliffantod Llwyd poblogaidd, Gwylanod, Enfys Retro Aml-liw a Sebra Melyn – mae’r ponchos hyn yn siŵr o godi calon unrhyw un ar y glaw. Dydd. A phan ddaw'r haul allan eto, maen nhw'n pacio'n daclus i'w sac pethau cyfatebol eu hunain!


  • Mesurau – gweler hefyd y delweddau am fanylion maint pellach:  
    • Arddwrn i arddwrn 113cm
    • Gên i'r hem (blaen) 68cm
    • Cefn y gwddf i'r hem (cefn) 52cm
  • Rydym yn credu y bydd y rhain yn ffitio i oedrannau 4-11 oed neu hyd at 135cm o uchder. Gwiriwch y mesuriadau cyn archebu.
  • Peiriant Golchadwy ar 40 gradd
  • Ffabig gwrth-ddŵr meddal sidanaidd gyda chefn yn PU
  • Cwfl brig
  • Clymiadau popper o dan ên ac wrth gyffiau
  • Anghyfyngedig a hawdd iawn i'w symud ymlaen ac i ffwrdd

''Anfonir yr eitem hon yn uniongyrchol gan y cyflenwr a gall fod allan o stoc. Ffoniwch ni ar 0203 319 9772  i wirio argaeledd. ''

Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Canllaw Maint

Measurements – please also see images for further sizing details:
Wrist to wrist 113cm
Chin to hem (front) 68cm
Back of neck to hem (back) 52cm
We reckon these will fit ages 4-11 years or up to 135cm in height. Please check measurements before ordering.

Gwybodaeth Cludo

Cymorth Cyswllt Ar Gael

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Alison Ross
Rainwear that stylish

We bought this together with the yellow zebra fleece. We love it. Our wee warrior struggles with vision but the bright yellow is really noticeable. Everyone we passed on our outing commented on how cheerful it was. A great product and super easy to use too

What an adorable photo! The yellow zebra print is brilliant to brighten up any wet day, thank-you so much for the review and photograph Alison we really appreciate your feedback and we love to see our customers wearing our proucts! Thank-you for sharing and for your support to Fledglings we are so pleased that this product is easy to use and vibrant!
Best Regards

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