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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Teganau Synhwyraidd ar gyfer Awtistiaeth

Yn aml bydd gan bobl ag anghenion ychwanegol ganfyddiad synhwyraidd gwahanol o’r byd ac yn ei chael yn anodd prosesu’r wybodaeth a gânt. I wneud eu bywydau yn haws ac yn llai o straen, rydym yn dod o hyd i, yn stocio ac yn gwerthu ystod o adnoddau dysgu a'r teganau synhwyraidd gorau ar gyfer awtistiaeth a phlant ag anghenion arbennig.

Gweld ein hystod eang neu cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth neu gymorth. Os nad ydym yn stocio'r cynnyrch yr ydych yn chwilio amdano, rydym yn hapus i'ch cyfeirio at y cyfeiriad cywir.

Y pris uchaf yw £580.00 Ail gychwyn

141 cynhyrchion



141 cynhyrchion


Y pris uchaf yw £580.00


141 cynhyrchion

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Autism friendly toys are an excellent tool for children with autism, providing them with engaging and stimulating experiences that can help to develop important skills such as socialisation, communication, and sensory integration. Here, we will explore some of the sensory toys that can help children with autism.

Fidget Toys

Fidget toys are small, handheld objects that can be squeezed, twisted, or manipulated, providing tactile and visual stimulation. These toys can help to improve focus and reduce anxiety in children with autism.

Chew Toys for Autism

Chew toys are designed to provide oral stimulation, which can be particularly helpful for children with autism who have oral sensory issues. These toys can help to reduce anxiety, improve concentration, and promote self-regulation.

Weighted Toys

Weighted toys are designed to provide deep pressure stimulation, which can be calming and soothing for children with autism who have sensory processing issues. These toys can help to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

Sensory Balls

Sensory balls are designed to provide tactile and visual stimulation, as well as encourage gross motor skills development. These toys can help to improve hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and sensory processing skills.

Sensory Play Mats

Sensory play mats are designed to provide a variety of sensory experiences, including textures, sounds, and visual stimulation. These mats can be particularly helpful for children with autism who have difficulty with sensory processing, providing a safe and controlled environment for exploration and play.

Visual Stimulation Toys

Visual stimulation toys are designed to provide engaging and stimulating visual experiences, which can be particularly helpful for children with autism who are visual learners. These toys can help to improve attention, visual tracking skills, and hand-eye coordination.

In conclusion, autism sensory toys can be a valuable tool for children with autism, providing them with engaging and stimulating experiences that can help to develop important skills. Fidget toys, chew toys, weighted toys, sensory balls, sensory play mats, and visual stimulation toys are some of the sensory toys that can help children with autism to develop important skills such as socialization, communication, and sensory integration. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable sensory toys for your child's needs.

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