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Prif Fordwyaeth

Didolwr Siâp a Seiniau Battat

SKU: DT0001 11 Mewn Stoc

Pris rheolaidd £16.99  (£14.16 o TAW)
Pris rheolaidd Pris gwerthu   £16.99  (£14.16 o TAW)

The Shape & Sounds Sorter is a fun and educational toy that helps develop hand-eye coordination, cause & effect understanding, and colour and shape-matching skills. It's designed for small hands and offers long-lasting benefits for children. It's an excellent addition to any playtime or learning environment and can support attention and listening development.

Fel Elusen, mae unrhyw elw a wneir o bob pryniant yn mynd yn ôl i helpu teuluoedd â phlant anabl.

Product Description

Gwyliwch a gwrandewch wrth iddyn nhw lithro i lawr, pob siâp yn creu sain wahanol, cyffrous! Mae chwarae gyda'r Didolwr Siapiau a Seiniau yn ffordd wych o annog cydsymud llaw-llygad, dysgu am achos ac effaith a datblygu sgiliau paru lliw a siâp. Mae pob siâp yn fawr ac yn drwchus, wedi'i gynllunio'n arbennig ar gyfer dwylo bach i'w dal.

Manyleb Cynnyrch:

  • Uchder: 16cm
  • Addas ar gyfer 18 mis oed +

Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?

Sensory stimulation, Eye Tracking, Sound stimulation , Finger occupation, build hand strength, finger dexterity, fine motor skills

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Canllaw Maint

Gwybodaeth Cludo

Cymorth Cyswllt Ar Gael

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