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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Diogelwch Cartref

Mae gwneud eich cartref yn ddiogel yn bwysig, yn enwedig os ydych yn gofalu am blentyn ag anghenion ychwanegol. Ar gyfer pob cartref, argymhellir eich bod yn gosod larymau mwg, synwyryddion carbon monocsid a gardiau tân, ond mae cynhyrchion eraill a all helpu i wneud eich cartref yn lle mwy diogel i fyw ynddo. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys cloeon ffenestri, clipiau drws ajar, larymau ffenestri a drysau a chloeon cypyrddau ac offer. Gyda chyfuniad o gynhyrchion, gallwch helpu i ddiogelu cypyrddau a droriau cegin, yn ogystal ag atal damweiniau a chwympiadau.

Y pris uchaf yw £4,950.00 Ail gychwyn

25 cynhyrchion



25 cynhyrchion


Y pris uchaf yw £4,950.00


25 cynhyrchion

  • £9.99
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  • £15.49  (£12.91 o TAW)
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  • Oddiwrth £17.49 (£14.58 o TAW)
  • £11.99  (£9.99 o TAW)
  • £16.99  (£14.16 o TAW)
  • £89.99  (£74.99 o TAW)
  • Oddiwrth £8.39 (£6.99 o TAW)
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  • Oddiwrth £209.99 (£174.99 o TAW)
  • Cardea Wall Corner Guards 1200mm - Care & Safety
    Allan o stoc
  • £252.99  (£210.83 o TAW)
  • £874.99  (£729.16 o TAW)
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  • Special Purchase Item
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  • £4,950.00  (£4,125.00 o TAW)
  • £4,950.00  (£4,125.00 o TAW)

When it comes to home safety, it's important to consider the unique needs of children with special educational needs (SEN). Fortunately, there are a variety of products available that can help keep SEN children safe at home. Here are some examples:

Hand rails:

Hand rails are a great way to help SEN children navigate their home safely. Hand rails can be installed along staircases, in bathrooms, and in other areas where extra support is needed. They can provide extra stability for children with mobility issues or balance concerns.

Socket covers:

Socket covers can be used to prevent children from inserting objects into electrical outlets, which can be extremely dangerous. SEN children who have a tendency to put things in their mouth or who have sensory issues may be particularly susceptible to this type of behavior, so socket covers can provide an added layer of protection.

Door alarms:

Door alarms can alert caregivers when a child has left a designated area or has opened an exterior door. This can be particularly useful for children with autism or other conditions that can cause wandering or elopement.

Bed rails:

Bed rails can be used to prevent SEN children from falling out of bed at night. This is particularly important for children with conditions such as epilepsy, which can cause seizures during sleep.

Corner guards:

Corner guards can be used to cover sharp edges on furniture and other objects in the home. This can help prevent injuries for SEN children who may have difficulty with balance or coordination.

Motion sensors:

Motion sensors can be used to detect movement in a room and can be particularly useful for children with visual impairments. They can also be used to monitor the movements of children with conditions such as sleepwalking or night terrors.

Overall, there are a variety of home safety products available that can help keep SEN children safe at home. By using these products, caregivers can help ensure that their children can live comfortably and securely in their own homes.

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