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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Dillad ysgol

Yma mae gennym ein hystod o grysau ysgol sêm gwisg ysgol synhwyraidd, trowsus a detholiad o sanau synhwyraidd.


Y pris uchaf yw £62.95 Ail gychwyn

60 cynhyrchion



60 cynhyrchion


Y pris uchaf yw £62.95


60 cynhyrchion

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  • Oddiwrth £34.99
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  • Oddiwrth £16.49
  • Oddiwrth £17.99
  • R53 Cotton Popper Polo Shirt - DaywearR53 Cotton Popper Polo Shirt - Daywear
    Made to Order in the UK
    Oddiwrth £15.99
  • R53 Cotton Popper Polo Shirt (Adults) - DaywearR53 Cotton Popper Polo Shirt (Adults) - Daywear
    Made to Order in the UK
    Oddiwrth £20.49
  • R54 Cotton Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - DaywearR54 Cotton Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - Daywear
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  • Oddiwrth £18.99
  • Billy Footwear (Kids) - Black Low Top Leather Shoes - FootwearBilly Footwear (Kids) - Black Low Top Leather Shoes - Footwear
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Sensory Schoolwear

For those with sensory difficulties, traditional school uniforms may be challenging. It may be itchy fabric, annoying seams, labels, irritating tags and socks that cause children with sensitive skin a great deal of anxiety.

Our range of schoolwear has been designed using feedback from families to be comfortable for children with sensory-sensitive needs, such as autism. We know these products can help with those difficult mornings getting dressed for school!

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