Autistic children with tactile sensitivity may struggle with play, limiting their participation in various contexts. Offering tactile play, such as Textured Fidget circles, can help reduce adverse reactions and promote adaptability in everyday situations.
Fel Elusen, mae unrhyw elw a wneir o bob pryniant yn mynd yn ôl i helpu teuluoedd â phlant anabl.
Product Description
Cylchoedd Gweadog Fidget Squidgy.
Set o 6 chylch squidgy, synhwyraidd, fidget. Pob un wedi'i lenwi â hylif lliw bywiog gyda gorffeniad gweadog allanol. Squish, plygu, gwasgu, gwthio a theimlo.
Da ar gyfer:
- Adloniant gweledol a chyffyrddol.
- Lleddfu straen.
- Yn helpu i ymlacio a chanolbwyntio.
Manylion y cynnyrch:
- Tua 8cm mewn diamedr.
- Amrywiol liwiau.
- Addas am 3+ blynedd.
Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?
Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?
Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.