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Prif Fordwyaeth

Gwasgu Canŵ


Pris rheolaidd £359.99  (£299.99 o TAW)
Pris rheolaidd Pris gwerthu   £359.99  (£299.99 o TAW)

Lie back in the Squeeze Seat and enjoy the calming proprioceptive pressure. It’s a great resource to help children with autism and sensory processing disorders regulate their senses and emotions safely and constructively

Fel Elusen, mae unrhyw elw a wneir o bob pryniant yn mynd yn ôl i helpu teuluoedd â phlant anabl.

Product Description

Mae'r gadair gyfforddus hon yn tynhau'n ysgafn, gan roi effaith tawelu ar blant.

Gorweddwch yn ôl yn y Squeeze Canŵ a mwynhewch y pwysau tawelu proprioceptive. Mae’n adnodd gwych i helpu plant ag awtistiaeth ac anhwylderau prosesu synhwyraidd i reoli eu synhwyrau a’u hemosiynau yn ddiogel ac yn adeiladol. Mae therapyddion yn argymell ac yn defnyddio'r Squeeze Canoe.

Maint: 80x25x76 cm

Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?

Calming, soothing, and managing over stimulation

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Canllaw Maint

56 x 170 x 49 cm.

Gwybodaeth Cludo

This item is not kept in our warehouse and is delivered straight from the supplier please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Cymorth Cyswllt Ar Gael

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