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Mae pob ceiniog sy'n cael ei gwario yn helpu teuluoedd Contact.

Prif Fordwyaeth

Whilst Stocks Last

Gorchudd Cyfanswm Cadair Olwyn gwrth-ddŵr

SKU: WC0001BS 1 Mewn Stoc

Pris rheolaidd £36.99
Pris rheolaidd £42.99 Pris gwerthu   £36.99

The Waterproof Wheelchair Total Cover in Royal Blue and White Stars is a stylish wheelchair cover, which gives head-to-toe protection from the wind and rain. It has been designed for use on wheelchairs with moulded frames, head supports and footplates. 

Maint: Small

Fel Elusen, mae unrhyw elw a wneir o bob pryniant yn mynd yn ôl i helpu teuluoedd â phlant anabl.

Product Description

Mae'r 'Gorchudd Cyfanswm' yn bachu dros y plât troed ac yn cau o amgylch cefn y gadair olwyn i ddarparu gorchudd o'r gwddf i lawr i fysedd y traed. Cedwir y cloriau yn eu lle gyda phedwar Bachyn a Dolen hyblyg; strapiau y gellir eu cysylltu ag unrhyw fariau ar yr ochrau neu o dan y gadair olwyn. Mae'r gorchudd allanol gwrth-ddŵr wedi'i wneud mewn haen allanol neilon wedi'i gorchuddio â PU sy'n gallu anadlu ac mae wedi'i dapio â gwythiennau i roi amddiffyniad gwrth-ddŵr.


  • Dŵr ac anadladwy
  • Headrest gydnaws
  • Hawdd i'w wisgo a'i dynnu
  • Dim tynnu dros y pen
  • Cau felcro yn y cefn

Cyfarwyddiadau Gofal

  • Gorchudd Allanol
  • I ymestyn oes diddosi arwyneb sychwch yn lân
  • Peiriant Golchadwy hyd at 40°C
  • Peidiwch â Tymbl Sychu

Ar gyfer pwy / Beth mae hwn yn addas?

Children and Adults
Wheelchair user

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Canllaw Maint

<p>Small - Length up to 90cm and Width up to 45cm</p> <p>Medium- Length up to 110cm and Width up to 55cm</p> <p>This wheelchair cover is&nbsp;designed for adult and child wheelchair users with disabilities or special needs. Please use the size chart when ordering to ensure the correct fit.</p>

Gwybodaeth Cludo

Cymorth Cyswllt Ar Gael

<p>If you would like any further support for advice or information for your child you can call the Contact free helpline on 0808 808 3555 (9 am-5 pm Monday-Friday).</p> <p>Please note the Contact team cannot help with orders or product information, please call 0203 319 9772 for any queries of this nature.</p>

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