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Ururinta: Kabaha La Qabsiga

Kabaha la-qabsiga waxaa loogu talagalay in lagu bixiyo taageero, raaxaysi, iyo fudayd isticmaalka shakhsiyaadka naafada ah. Kabahan baahiyaha gaarka ah waxa laga yaabaa inay ka muuqdaan wax ka beddello ay ka mid yihiin furitaanno ballaadhan, xidhidhyo Velcro ah, iyo saqafyada la saari karo si loo qaado cabbirka cagaha iyo qaababka kala duwan. Waanu ku hanweynahay inaanu bixino laba nooc oo caan ah oo aduunka laga isticmaalo oo ah kabo la-qabsiga, Kabaha Saaxiibtinimada iyo Billy Footwear. sdaloogyadan waxay ku habboon yihiin carruurta leh CMT, Kabka iyo xaaladaha kale ee ka dhigaya kabaha adag in la helo.

Kala duwanaanshaha kabaha naafada waxaa ku jira naqshado casri ah oo ballac iyo cabbirro kala duwan ah. Si aad gacan uga geysato cabbiridda fadlan isticmaal Billy iyo Friendly hagaha cabbiraadda. Cabbir sax ah ayaa lagama maarmaan u ah kabaha takhasuska leh, haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad soo celiso waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad bixiso kharashka boostada alaab-qeybiye kasta.

Dhammaan cabbiradu waa cabbirrada UK.

Marka la isticmaalayo filtarrada:

T = socod baradka, K = caruur, W = ballaaran oo kaliya tiro waa cabbirka qaangaarka UK.

        Toddlers >

Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £115.49 Dib u dajin

44 alaabta

Kala sooc


44 alaabta


Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £115.49


44 alaabta

  • £115.49  (£96.24 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • £60.99
  • £88.99  (£74.16 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • Billy Footwear (Kids) Trainers Faux Suede - Navy / Orange - FootwearBilly Footwear (Kids) Trainers Faux Suede - Navy / Orange - Footwear
  • Friendly Shoes Voyage Shiitake Men's - FootwearFriendly Shoes Voyage Shiitake Men's - Footwear
    VAT Relief Available
    £87.60  (£73.00 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • £52.99
  • £52.99
  • £52.99
  • £60.99
  • £59.99
  • £48.99
  • £59.95
  • Billy Footwear (Kids) Extra Wide Fit - High Top Canvas Shoes - FootwearBilly Footwear (Kids) Extra Wide Fit - High Top Canvas Shoes - Footwear
  • Billy Footwear (Big Kids) Wide Fit - High Top Canvas Shoes - FootwearBilly Footwear (Big Kids) Wide Fit - High Top Canvas Shoes - Footwear
  • Billy Footwear (Kids) - Navy / Red Faux Suede Trainers - FootwearBilly Footwear (Kids) - Navy / Red Faux Suede Trainers - Footwear
  • £60.95
  • £59.95
  • £58.95
  • Friendly Shoes Quest Marine Camo - FootwearFriendly Shoes Quest Marine Camo - Footwear
  • Billy Footwear (Kids) - Sport Inclusion One Trainers - FootwearBilly Footwear (Kids) - Sport Inclusion One Trainers - Footwear
  • £62.95
  • £59.95
  • £9.99
  • Friendly Shoes Voyage Mens - FootwearFriendly Shoes Voyage Mens - Footwear
    VAT Relief Available
    £87.60  (£73.00 laga bilaabo VAT)

Billy Footwear was created by designer Billy Price, who was diagnosed with a form of muscular dystrophy at an early age. The shoes are designed with a unique flip-up design that allows the wearer to easily slide their foot into the shoe and then secure it with a zipper closure around the sides and heel. This design eliminates the need to bend down or struggle with laces, making it an ideal choice for individuals with limited mobility or dexterity.

Nancy Farmer and Jessica Silver are the two mums and lifelong friends behind Friendly Shoes UK. What makes Friendly Shoes different? Designed by an occupational therapist in the USA, all these shoes are easy to put on and take off, wide-fit, lightweight and accommodate AFOs. They also come in a variety of colours and patterns (from black to pink leopard print!) and sizes (K10 to adult 13) so there really is something for everyone.

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