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Ururinta: Fikradaha Kirismaska ​​ee gacanta lagu soo doortay

Sanadkan waxaanu si taxadar leh u dooranay tiro badeecooyin ah oo aanu aaminsanahay in ay u samayn doonaan hadiyad dareeneed qofkaga aad jeceshahay. Dabiiciga ah, dhammaan alaabta lagu ciyaaro waxa ay samayn karaan ciida kirismaska ​​gaar ahaan, laakiin qaar badan ayaanu wakhti galnay si aanu kaaga caawino inaad hesho alaabta cusub iyo iibiyeyaasha ugu fiican hal meel. Waxaan aaminsanahay in Kubadaha Khaaska ah, Oogi Junior iyo Kubada Cuddle ay noqon doonaan sanadahan waa inay lahaadaan.

Ha iloobin kaararka kirismaska! Naqshadeynta guriga, iibka ka yimaada hay'adda samafalka Kirismaska ​​​​waxay naga caawisaa inaan caawino qoysas badan.

Sanadkan, sidoo kale isha ha u furnaado kalandarka imaanshaha oo si toos ah u socon doona 1da Diseembar. Waxaa jiri doona halxiraale ama xaashi midabaynta bilaashka ah oo bilaash ah oo la soo dajin karo maalin kasta oo ay la socoto hadiyad aan adiga kugu siino.

Waxaan kula talin lahayn iibsashada hadiyadaha goor hore si loo hubiyo keenista aan la jabin. Waxaan isticmaalnaa Royal Mail oo shaqo joojintu waxay socotaa ilaa Disembar ma doonayno in qofna uu waayo.

Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £1,704.99 Dib u dajin

86 alaabta

Kala sooc


86 alaabta


Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £1,704.99


86 alaabta

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  • Light Up Sand Table For Sensory Play - Sensory ToysLight Up Sand Table For Sensory Play - Sensory Toys
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  • Sensory Gel Liquid Floor Tiles - Sensory ToysSensory Gel Liquid Floor Tiles - Sensory Toys
    Bakhaarka ka baxay
  • £199.99  (£166.66 laga bilaabo VAT)
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Why Team Gift?

Imagine the smiles and excitement on a child's face when they receive a dream present, something beyond their wildest imagination. Instead of everyone buying separate small gifts, we introduce Kid's Dream: Team Gift.

How Does It Work?

Kid's Dream: Team Gift is a collaborative approach to gift-giving. Instead of many small items that can sometimes overwhelm children, we pool our resources to make one child's dream come true.

Here's how it works:

Select a Dream Present: Parents or guardians choose a special, meaningful gift that may be out of reach due to its cost.
Invite Friends and Family: Reach out to your extended family and friends, inviting them to participate in the Team Gift. Explain the concept and the chosen dream present.
Contribute Together: Instead of buying separate gifts, loved ones can either contribute to a gift card or provide funds to the parent/guardian, which will be used to purchase the dream present.

Unveil the Joy: On the special day, the child unwraps their dream gift, realizing that their loved ones worked together to make their dream come true.

Why Team Gift Matters:

Quality Over Quantity: Instead of a pile of small, often forgotten gifts, the child receives a meaningful and cherished present.
Inclusive and Affordable: Team Gift makes it possible for families to afford those bigger, more significant items that can have a lasting impact.
Memories That Last: The joy and excitement of receiving a dream present become treasured memories for both the child and the entire family.

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