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Handmade in the UK

Bacda Jidhka oo Xiran - Chambray buluug

SKU: CU0041BL Allow 12-14 weeks for delivery


Qiimaha joogtada ah £49.99  (£41.66 laga bilaabo VAT)
Qiimaha joogtada ah Qiimaha iibka   £49.99  (£41.66 laga bilaabo VAT)

The Body Worn Single Sleeping Bag in Blue Chambray helps keep children well covered in bed to ensure they remain comfortable throughout the night. The zip front design makes changing more convenient and stress-free for both children and carers. It also helps to stop the wearer from accessing their nappy, preventing smearing.

Cabbirka: 130cm
Tog: 0.5 Tog
Width: Standard

Sadaqo ahaan, faa'iido kasta oo laga helo iibsi kasta waxay dib ugu noqotaa caawinta qoysaska leh carruurta naafada ah.

Sharaxaada Alaabta

The Body Worn Single Sleeping Bag - Blue Chambray waxa ay caawisaa in carruurta si fiican loogu daboolo sariirta si loo hubiyo in ay ku raaxaystaan ​​inta lagu jiro wakhtiga habeen. Naqshadaynta hore ee zip-ka ayaa ka dhigaysa beddelka mid ku habboon oo aan walwal lahayn carruurta iyo daryeelayaasha labadaba. Waxa kale oo ay caawisaa in qofka xidha laga joojiyo in uu galo xafaayadda, isaga oo ka hortagaya in la is-xumeeyo.

 Waxa lagu soo saaray 2.5tog mid la daboolay ama hal xaashi oo ah 0.5tog.

Dhererka caadiga ah ee siibka ee bacaha lagu seexdo waa 90cm. Sib dheer ayaa laga heli karaa bacaha lagu seexdo oo dhererkoodu yahay 180cms+. Dhererka siibkani waa 160cm.

  • Dhererka lagu qiyaasay Garabka ilaa lugaha.
  • Mashiinku maydh 40 digrii.
  • Qalqullo qallayl hooseeya.
  • Gacmo-gacan lagu dalbado gudaha Boqortooyada Midowday (UK) Fledglings.
  • Maadaama alaabtan gacanta lagu sameeyay si loo dalbado, fadlan u ogolow 8-10 toddobaad in la keeno.
  • Midabka: Blue Chambray

Fiiri midabka kale ee la heli karo Body Worn Sleeping Bag hoos:

Yaa / Maxay tani ku habboon tahay?

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Hagaha cabbirka

Macluumaadka dhoofinta

As this product is hand-made to order, please allow up to 8-10 weeks for delivery.

Taageerada laxiriirka waa la heli karaa

<p>If you need further support on how to help your child with bedwetting or incontinence issues you can call the Contact helpline on 0808 808 3555 between 9-5 Mon to Fri</p>

<p>Please note the Contact team cannot help with orders or product information, please call 0203 319 9772 for any queries of this nature.</p>

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Sleeping bags

2 sleeping bags ordered as gift for granddaughter with special needs. Her mother has used before and very happy with them.

Danny Ashwell
Good Quality

Excellent quality and service.

A life saver

I ordered four of these specially-made sleeping bags, two summer weight and two winter ones. We use them on our tall 11 year old autistic child who has used sleeping bags since he was a small baby. He likes the security of them and will not sleep without one even on the hottest of nights. He is also a wriggly sleeper but without the physical ability to pull ordinary bedclothes around him if they come adrift, so the bags are brilliant for keeping him snug all night long.

The bags are beautifully made out of good quality material. My previous order, which he has now almost outgrown, have lasted for years despite being subjected to very frequent washing (almost daily) due to night time wetting. These ones look just as durable. As an amateur dressmaker myself I recognise the work that must go into making each one and therefore, although they do work out quite expensive, I don't think the price is excessive or unreasonable.

My only slight quibble is that on these longer sizes the zip seems to me to be 'upside down' - ie to fasten the bag you start by joining the edges at the neck and then pulling the zip down towards the feet, which is the opposite of what I would intuitively do. It also makes it almost impossible for the child himself to fasten/unfasten it. I don't know why the zip has to be inserted this way round as on the previous ones it was not like that.

However, I'm still giving 5 stars because these bags are so valuable to us, so well made and they supply a need for us which nowhere else seems to be able to fill. I just hope that if he ends up being 6'4" as an adult he will still be able to get something similar, as I can't see his need for them diminishing! Thank you for this product.

Thank you very much for your thorough review of our sleeping bags. Our talented seamstress takes great care in crafting each one. The zipper is included to prevent smearing in some children and undressing in others. If you decide to make another purchase, please let us know if you would prefer the zipper to be placed in a different direction. We appreciate your feedback and thank you for choosing Fledglings.

Joanne Hannaford
Body worn sleeping bag.

Excellent for my son who has ADHD & Autism and kicks covers off, very good quality.

Rebecca Cundall
Great sleeping bag!

This is a really useful piece of kit for a young man who wriggles a lot at night but is unable to pull bedding over himself to keep warm. He can't escape from this bag! Only comment is that neckline was a bit high, but it isn't causing any problems. Great sturdy zip, easy to get my son in and out of it, and easy to wash and dry. The fact that it can be made to measure is fantastic - thank you so much. It is ideal for moderate temperatures - would be wonderful if a higher tog version with detachable sleeves might be possible for winter?

Hi Rebecca, That is such a lovely piece of feedback. I will pass this on to our lovely seamstress. Sarah - Fledglings

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