U bood nuxurka

Dinaar kasta oo la kharash gareeyo waxa ay caawisaa qoysaska xidhiidhka.

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Handmade in the UK

Boorsada Hurdada ee Jirka Xiran - casaan buluug ah

SKU: CU0039PIHadda Saamigoodii Allow 12-14 weeks for delivery


Qiimaha joogtada ah £45.99
Qiimaha joogtada ah Qiimaha iibka   £45.99

The Body Worn Single Sleeping Bag in Blush Pink helps keep children well covered in bed to ensure they remain comfortable throughout the night. The zip front design makes changing more convenient and stress-free for both children and carers. It also helps to stop the wearer from accessing their nappy, preventing smearing.

Cabbirka: 110cm
Tog: 0.5 Tog
Width: Standard

Sadaqo ahaan, faa'iido kasta oo laga helo iibsi kasta waxay dib ugu noqotaa caawinta qoysaska leh carruurta naafada ah.

Sharaxaada Alaabta

The Body Worn Single Sleeping Bac - Bluesh Pink waxa ay caawisaa in carruurta si fiican loogu daboolo sariirta si loo hubiyo in ay ku raaxaystaan ​​inta lagu jiro wakhtiga habeen. Naqshadaynta hore ee zip-ka ayaa ka dhigaysa beddelka mid ku habboon oo aan walwal lahayn carruurta iyo daryeelayaasha labadaba. Waxa kale oo ay caawisaa in qofka xidha laga joojiyo in uu galo xafaayadda, isaga oo ka hortagaya in la is-xumeeyo.

Waxa lagu soo saaray 2.5tog mid la daboolay ama hal xaashi oo ah 0.5tog.

Dhererka caadiga ah ee siibka ee bacaha lagu seexdo waa 90cm. Sib dheer ayaa laga heli karaa bacaha lagu seexdo oo dhererkoodu yahay 180cms+. Dhererka sibkani waa 160cm.

  • Dhererka lagu qiyaasay Garabka ilaa lugaha.
  • Mashiinku maydh 40 darajo.
  • Ku dhufo hoos u engegan.
  • Gacmo-gacan lagu dalbado gudaha Boqortooyada Midowday (UK) Fledglings.
  • Maadaama alaabtan gacanta lagu sameeyay si loo dalbado, fadlan u ogolow ilaa 8-10 toddobaad in lagugu keeno.
  • Midabka: Blush Pink

Fiiri midabka kale ee la heli karo Body Worn Sleeping Bag hoos:

Yaa / Maxay tani ku habboon tahay?

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Hagaha cabbirka

Macluumaadka dhoofinta

As this product is hand-made to order, please allow up to 8-10 weeks for delivery.

Taageerada laxiriirka waa la heli karaa

<p>If you need further support on how to help your child with bedwetting or incontinence issues you can call the Contact helpline on 0808 808 3555 between 9-5 Mon to Fri</p>

<p>Please note the Contact team cannot help with orders or product information, please call 0203 319 9772 for any queries of this nature.</p>

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Blush pink sleeping bag

Purchased for granddaughter at her mother's request as she has used them before. Very happy and satisfied with the product.

Thank you, Pamela, for your review. Parents and grandparents all love this sleeping bag, and I'm glad your daughter is happy with them too! Sarah - Fledglings

Meadhbh Bustard
Body worn sleeping bag

This is the 2nd sleep bag we have bought. The quality is just great and so are the prices, will absolutely buy from you again and will recommend!

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