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VAT Relief Available

Koobka Doidy

SKU: ED0002RE 10 In Stock

Qiimaha joogtada ah £4.49  (£3.74 laga bilaabo VAT)
Qiimaha joogtada ah Qiimaha iibka   £4.49  (£3.74 laga bilaabo VAT)

By being slanted this cup reduces the need to tilt the head and neck and can reduces spills and mess. Microwave safe.

Midabka: Red

Sadaqo ahaan, faa'iido kasta oo laga helo iibsi kasta waxay dib ugu noqotaa caawinta qoysaska leh carruurta naafada ah.

Sharaxaada Alaabta

Kan Koobka Doidy waa mid aad u fiican oo loogu dhiirigelinayo cabbitaanka madax-banaanideeda iyada oo ay mahad iska leedahay labada gacan ee haynta iyo dejinta

  • Makiinada weelka wax lagu dhaqo badbaado leh (marafka sare oo kaliya).
  • Mikrowave badbaado leh.

  Midabka: Cas, Caddaan iyo, Buluug.

Yaa / Maxay tani ku habboon tahay?

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Hagaha cabbirka

Macluumaadka dhoofinta

Taageerada laxiriirka waa la heli karaa

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mrs. Valerie Catto
Dowdy cup

Why the small handles they are so difficult for me and staff to hold to give my daughter a drink, as she can’t hold it herself, the shape of the cup is perfect but handles far too small for an adult to hold.

Hello Valerie, Thank-you for your kind review on the Doidy. I do believe the design of the product is to help children learn to grip the cup which is why the handles are small for adults. Thank-you for supporting us at Fledglings
Best Regards

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