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Iswaafajinta Textures 20pk

SKU: SD0007 3 In Stock

Qiimaha joogtada ah £21.99  (£18.33 laga bilaabo VAT)
Qiimaha joogtada ah Qiimaha iibka   £21.99  (£18.33 laga bilaabo VAT)

Matching Textures 20pk help kids develop sensory awareness through touch and texture. Our set of 20 textured squares comes with a cotton bag and activity ideas. Sizes range from 5-7.5cm.

Sadaqo ahaan, faa'iido kasta oo laga helo iibsi kasta waxay dib ugu noqotaa caawinta qoysaska leh carruurta naafada ah.

Sharaxaada Alaabta

Carruurtu waxay ku raaxaysan doonaan isticmaalka dareenkooda taabasho si ay u waafajiyaan lammaanaha taas oo sidoo kale caawisa horumarinta wacyiga dareenka.

Dhaqdhaqaaq madadaalo leh oo loogu talagalay carruurta aragga naafada ka ah.

Qalab ka kooban 10-labo oo dhar ah oo ka kooban noocyo kala duwan oo ka samaysan dhogor jilicsan, dhogorta faux, maqaar iyo mesh.

Yaa / Maxay tani ku habboon tahay?

Sensory stimulation, Repetitive action, Finger occupation, build hand strength, finger dexterity, fine motor skills, Touch/tactile – different textures and surfaces

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Hagaha cabbirka

Macluumaadka dhoofinta

Taageerada laxiriirka waa la heli karaa

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cathy-Marie Nash
Good variety of textures

Very pleased with the texture squares.

Hi Cathy-Marie, the mix of textures is so lovely and provides a great sensory input. Thank you for your review. - Sarah, Fledglings

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