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Oranurse Daawada Ilkaha Aan La dhadhamin

SKU: GC0399 9 In Stock

Qiimaha joogtada ah £3.49  (£2.91 laga bilaabo VAT)
Qiimaha joogtada ah Qiimaha iibka   £3.49  (£2.91 laga bilaabo VAT)

For many, the strong flavour and foaming action of toothpaste can be unpleasant resulting in spitting and gagging when the teeth are brushed. This can be particularly uncomfortable for those with sensory needs or who have trouble swallowing.

Alaabta: Regular Fluoride

Sadaqo ahaan, faa'iido kasta oo laga helo iibsi kasta waxay dib ugu noqotaa caawinta qoysaska leh carruurta naafada ah.

Sharaxaada Alaabta

Midabka: Cadaan

Oranurse-ka aan dhadhanka lahayn, daawada cadayga ee aan xumbo lahayn waxa ay wax ka qabataa qaar badan oo ka mid ah arrimahan waxayna ka dhigi kartaa daryeelka afka mid fudud oo ka yaraada qof walba. Cadayashada joogtada ah waxay kaa caawinaysaa yaraynta suuska iliga, xoojinta dhaldhalaalka iliga waxayna yaraynaysaa ururinta daamurka.

Waxaan ku talinaynaa in la yareeyo caanaha fluoride ee carruurta u nugul inay liqaan daawada cadayga.

Waxaa lagu heli karaa 2 doorasho:

  • Oranurse Daawada Ilkaha Aan La dhadhamin (1000ppm Fluoride) da'da 0-3 sano.
  • Dawada cadayga ee aan dhadhanka lahayn ee Oranurse (1450ppm Fluoride) ee da'da 3 iyo wixii ka sareeya. Carruurta da'doodu u dhaxayso 3-6, isticmaal qadar cabbir digir ah burushka.

Yaa / Maxay tani ku habboon tahay?

Please note: These products are sold with their intended purpose as described. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of items where physical force has been used to damage the product or where it had been used in a manner that it was not designed for. If in doubt of its suitability, please get in touch.

Hagaha cabbirka

Macluumaadka dhoofinta

Taageerada laxiriirka waa la heli karaa

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Maria Fletcher
Oranurse unflavoured toothpaste

My 2 children will happily clean their teeth with this, it’s perfect if your child won’t use normal toothpaste.

Thank you for your review, Maria. Mint flavor can be overwhelming for some people, so I'm happy that a flavorless toothpaste like this exists for enjoyable brushing. - Sarah, Fledglings

Best toothpaste ever!

My son always barely tolerated the strawberry flavoured toothpaste and it was an argument every time to brush his teeth. Now he does it PROPERLY the first time without arguing!


Thanks for the five star review on the toothpaste it's great that your son is finding this unflavoured option as a preferred option to brush his teeth. We really appreciate your feedback.
Thank-you for shopping with us at Fledglings. Fledglings is part of the Contact Family and each purchase you make helps us to provide support and advice for families with disabled children.

Best Regards

Joseph Dann
Great toothpaste

Being autistic I've always found toothpaste with taste a huge sensory issue but this toothpaste is u flavoured and has helped me to keep on top of my teeth hygiene so much . Keep on selling this stuff it makes such a difference to people like me .

Hi Joseph,

Its really great to hear how the toothpaste has helped with brushing your teeth and has helped with your oral hygiene. We love to hear from Fledglings how our products help out customers so thank-you for your feedback
Have a lovely day
Best Regards

Stephanie Hale

Perfect for someone who doesn’t like strong mint flavours .

Hello, thank-you for your kind review on our toothpaste we are so pleased that your child likes this product and that it helps making brushing teeth easier due to its taste. Your review helps other parents when deciding to choose products from our website that can help their children and make their daily lives easier. Thank-you for your support!

Marie Silvester

Oranurse Unflavoured Toothpaste

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