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Prif Fordwyaeth

Casgliad: Festiau Corff ac Undodiaid

Ystod o festiau corff i blant bach, festiau popper ac unedards (dim popwyr) wedi'u cynllunio i helpu gydag ymataliaeth, ceg y groth a dadwisgo. Rydym hefyd yn stocio amrywiaeth o ddillad isaf a dillad cwsg

Y pris uchaf yw £29.97 Ail gychwyn

1 o gynhyrchion 39



1 o gynhyrchion 39


Y pris uchaf yw £29.97


1 o gynhyrchion 39

  • £29.97

Body Vests, Popper Vests, & Unitards.

Adaptive clothing can make a great difference to families with a child or relative with special needs. The right type of body vest can make the day to day care of someone with special needs easier and less stressful for carers. It can also improve the comfort and well-being of the user. They can make coping with incontinence less challenging while clothing designed with those with sensitive skin or sensory issues in mind can really help improve their physical comfort.

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