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Ururinta: Dharka Dareenka

Waxaan bixinaa dhar dareen ah oo kala duwan oo ay ku jiraan sharabaadyo bilaa tol ah, nigis iyo lebbis dugsi.

Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £45.98 Dib u dajin

12 ee 64 alaabta

Kala sooc


12 ee 64 alaabta


Qiimaha ugu sarreeya waa £45.98


12 ee 64 alaabta

  • Ka £16.99
  • Ka £18.99
  • Ka £21.99
  • Ka £21.99
  • Ka £18.99
  • Ka £24.49
  • Ka £13.99
  • Ka £25.99
  • £34.99  (£29.16 laga bilaabo VAT)
  • £45.98
  • Sensory Polo Shirt with Poppers Age 13-14 Pack of 2 - SchoolwearSensory Polo Shirt with Poppers Age 13-14 Pack of 2 - Schoolwear
    Bakhaarka ka baxay
  • Ka £16.50

What are Sensory Clothes?

Sensory clothing are clothes that arespecifically designed for children with sensory issues. In most cases they are tagless, seamless and have accessories or fastenings that are much more comfortable against a child's skin.

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