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Collection: Bedtime

Bedtime can be a challenge for children with disabilities. To make it more comfortable, establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a soothing environment, use visual aids, provide comfort items, address sensory needs, and incorporate relaxation techniques. These strategies can provide structure, comfort, and relaxation for a more positive bedtime experience.

We provide continence pants to make life easier for children, parents, and carers. Additionally, we offer a wide range of bedtime continence solutions, including waterproof duvets and pillows, incontinence sheets, waterproof mattresses and mattress protectors, washable bed pads, and weighted blankets. These products are ideal for addressing bedtime incontinence dilemmas.

View our extensive range or contact us for further information or support. If we do not stock the product you are looking for, we are happy to point you in the right direction.

To find our more about helping your child slepp take a look at our sleep advice page.

The highest price is £48.99 Reset

46 of 145 products



46 of 145 products


The highest price is £48.99


46 of 145 products

  • R43 Childrens Snappety Body Vest - Bodyvests and SleepwearR43 Childrens Snappety Body Vest - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    Made to Order in the UK
    From £15.49
  • From £18.99
  • From £16.99
  • Sleeveless Short Leg Unitard - Adult - Bodyvests and SleepwearSleeveless Short Leg Unitard - Adult - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    From £13.33 (£15.99 inc VAT)
  • Cap Sleeve Long Leg Unitard - LCTB - Bodyvests and SleepwearCap Sleeve Long Leg Unitard - LCTB - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    Handmade in the UK
    From £19.99
  • From £15.99
  • From £19.58 (£23.49 inc VAT)
  • R136 T-shirt Popper Vests - Bodyvests and SleepwearR136 T-shirt Popper Vests - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    Made to order in UK
    From £14.99
  • From £19.99
  • R211 Bella Popper Vest - Bodyvests and SleepwearR211 Bella Popper Vest - Bodyvests and Sleepwear
    Made to Order in the UK
    From £16.99
  • From £18.99
  • R137 Loose T-shirt With Poppers - DaywearR137 Loose T-shirt With Poppers - Daywear
    Made to order in UK
    From £16.99
  • From £21.99